Henry Ford: "The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time."

Be that competitor

Every giant company has faced worse competitive threats than what you are facing now when they were small, and they all came out ok. There is always a counter-move.

Identify your competitors

understanding of the competition is an essential offensive and defensive business strategies

Just don’t get obsessed

goal is to learn from competitors, not copy them

maximum objectivity and intellectual honesty

identifying the deficiencies in your competition’s approach with an eye toward solving real customer problems

resisting the trap of undue influence

<aside> ❓ What is a competitive analysis? A competitive analysis is a strategy where you identify major competitors and research their products, sales, and marketing strategies. By doing this, you can create solid business strategies that improve upon your competitor's.


benefits of conducting competitive analyses: